Tube City Almanac

January 30, 2010

Smith's Legacy Looms Large In Tiger Town

Category: Cartoons || By Jason Togyer

(c) 2010 Jason Togyer

"With the drama behind them, it's time for McKeesport Area to do something it hasn't done in nearly three decades --- start the process of looking for a new head football coach ... athletic director Charley Kiss has set a Feb. 5 deadline for applications." (Mark Kaboly, Daily News)

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Feedback on “Smith's Legacy Looms Large In Tiger Town”

They probably spent more on the steps at the corner of Eden Park and O’Neill then they paid Coach Smith in 10 years. Course the Administartion can walk all over the steps, glad Coach Smith didn’t let the same happen to him. I guess he wasn’t part of “the agenda”. I never played football for him, but always had the utmost respect him. I think I just saw the Tiger shed a tear…
Adam Spate - January 30, 2010

All I’d like to add is that when I was in high school, we had football teams that were just as successful – but the coaches were paid way less, put in just as much personal time (if not more), and never complained about having to be responsible for raising money.

There’s no shame in growing tired of putting in the effort, and wanting to leave, but to paint yourself as a martyr IS.

You don’t coach high school football at a public school with the intention of getting rich. Sorry, but that’s just not the way it works. You do it for the love of the game, and to help give the kids who play some guidance and a decent chance at making something of themselves when they (hopefully) graduate.

That being said, he had nothing to gain by burning his bridge on his way out, other than draw attention to himself yet again. Good one, George. Now if the team doesn’t make the playoffs next year, you can get an “I told you so” quote in the Daily News. That’ll teach them, and make the players feel good, too.
John - January 31, 2010



Seriously. And I say that with no disrespect intended toward Coach Smith, who I don’t know, whose track record is very strong, and who has a history of accomplishment.

But the “WAR IS DECLARED!” headlines and stories in the Daily News have been a little over-the-top.
Webmaster - January 31, 2010

Over the past few years, I’ve gotten some rather reliable “inside information” that paints him as less of a “selfless savior of the inner-city youth” and more of an “incredibly arrogant megalomaniac who made increasingly ridiculous demands on the school administration” with regards to money, jobs for family members, and athletic facilities.

I’ve seen similar situations before, been on the inside, and the adult thing to do when you’ve finished is walk away peacefully. Nothing good comes of pulling a Jerry Maguire and trying to predict the doom of the entire district, athletics as well as scholastics.

Get over yourself, George. The team will likely succeed with someone else, and the school will probably stay open a few more years. If it doesn’t happen, it’s not going to be because you’re not there anymore.

If anything, I hope to never see another impossibly stupid delay of game penalty, because the coach can’t decide which one out of a choice of six total offensive plays to run. And if the school is lucky enough to have more great running back talent like Byrd and Gooden, hopefully the next coach won’t keep the ball out of their hands and not insist they play 70 yards off the ball on kickoff/punt return. But that’s just me.
John - January 31, 2010

John, I would agree if Coach Smith was burning this bridge after just a few years. But what purpose does it serve after 28 years as coach? I think what we are missing in this equation is that nature of high school sports, especially revenue ones like football, are changing. Games are broadcast on ESPN, and recruiting has become big business. Getting you team to play in these out of state showcases, like McKeesport has done the last few years takes lots of money. To me it sounds like philosophical differences more than anything else.
Dan - February 01, 2010

I had responded before reading John’s second comment. Pretty much all successful coaches are “incredibly arrogant megalomaniacs.” Of course some may be better at channeling it to the field only. Like any unhappy ending to a marriage, there are likely two sides here, and everyone shares blame for the relationship souring. It’s too bad we’ve only heard Coach Smith’s side.
Dan - February 02, 2010

I’d hate to burst the balloon of anyone who thinks Daily News sports headlines are overblown, but somehow I can’t imagine replacing them with, say, 18-point script that is used elsewhere and barely calls attention to a story.
But what do I know?
Also, we are talking about sports, not, say, the latest developments in Haiti or Afghanistan or Washington. So, why take such headlines so seriously?
Does it matter? - February 02, 2010

Well, DIM, with that attitude, then why take anything in the newspaper seriously?

You know, if the Daily News is reporting on Port Vue, what the hell, it’s only Port Vue, right?
Webmaster - February 02, 2010

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aybzut (URL) - April 20, 2013

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