Tube City Almanac

June 06, 2012

Mayor: Council Lacks Focus on Real Issues

Category: News || By Jason Togyer

City council is too focused on settling political scores and in-fighting, to the detriment of McKeesport's future, Mayor Michael Cherepko said Tuesday.

"I'm out there in the streets all of the time, and I know council is, too, because I see them," he said. "I know the concerns of the residents. The residents want to know what's being done to clean up the blight, to cut down the weeds, to bring businesses to town, to do something about the young people who are getting involved in shootings."

Bills like one proposed by Council President Darryl Segina --- to ban city employees or officials from serving on unpaid boards and commissions --- are a distraction, Cherepko said. "Residents couldn't care less who serves on a committee," he said.

Meanwhile, Council Vice President Dale McCall, who is frequently at odds with Segina, has volunteered to resign his vice-presidency if Segina will resign as president.

"This council needs leadership, and I don't think we're going to move this city forward with the two of us in leadership," McCall said Tuesday.

Citing Segina's decision to draft the committee legislation himself, McCall accused Segina of failing to communicate with other members of council.

"That's not true, Mr. McCall," Segina said. "I just don't like you."

At times this year, McCall and Segina have been openly hostile, cracking jokes at each others' expense. After a particularly heated exchange in April, Segina ordered McCall's removal from a council meeting.

Feedback on “Mayor: Council Lacks Focus on Real Issues”

I think both McCall and Segina should be removed. While some friction is expected and even useful in City Councils (if everyone believes exactly the same things, no chaneg can happen), it is just silly now.

Maybe this “drama” is one reason there have been NO POSTINGS of meeting minutes on the website…because if the public knew about what actually happens at the meetings, there could (SHOULD) be backlash.

GROW UP “gentlemen”.

McCall at least is man enough to offer what he did.

Segina’s refusal (so far) indictes that he really has no real care about our city. Going on record with comment like “I just dont like you” is childish and very indiative that Segina feels he is ruler of the whole deal.


It is time to clean house and move forward.

It is time to remind these “gentlemen” that the city council is about the CITY, not tit for tad school yard shenanigans.

This sort of mess simply undermines everything else. Nothing can or will get done as long as these two are running the show.

If they can’t play nice, they BOTH need to GO.

This is now an embarassment to residents of our city.
shadango - June 07, 2012

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