Tube City Almanac

September 06, 2013

Gimme One Reason

Category: Commentary/Editorial || By

Commentaries reflect the viewpoints of individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Tube City Community Media Inc. Responsible replies are welcome.

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OK, show of hands. Who out there right now wants to "work together for a better McKeesport"?

Actually, a lot of people do. Ordinary people, church leaders, business owners, teachers, volunteers, cops, firefighters, and yes, elected officials. But at some point, we all start to feel like we're being played for fools.

We go to prayer vigils and town rallies, we line up dutifully and try to make the best of things. We make excuses for people. We apologize for the way things look.

And for what? So that we can be embarrassed time and again? What are we, jagoffs?

Yeah, we may be jagoffs, but I know what else we are: Disappointed. Angry. Disgusted. Worn-out.

Fool me once, shame on you, fool me every damn time ... well, it becomes easier to just walk away. Over the past few decades, tens of thousands of people have done just that.

It sure would be nice to see some ray of hope. But little birdies are singing, everywhere, that the bad news isn't over yet.

I'm reminded of the Tracy Chapman song: "Gimme one reason to stay here, and I'll turn right back around." A good reason to stay would be a general, top-to-bottom housecleaning, and a healthy dose of sunshine, and an admission that things are dysfunctional.

And the answer is not: "Everything's fine, it's just the media focusing on the negatives." Those of us who over the years have busted our asses, "working together," don't need the media to tell us where things are going wrong. Because slogans and signs aren't cutting it at this point.

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Opinions expressed in commentaries are those of individual authors, and do not represent those of Tube City Community Media Inc., its directors, contributors or volunteers.

Tube City Community Media is committed to printing viewpoints from residents of the McKeesport area and surrounding municipalities. Commentaries are accepted at the discretion of the editor and may be edited for content or length.

To submit a commentary for consideration, please write to P.O. Box 94, McKeesport 15134, or email tubecitytiger -at - gmail -dot- com. Include contact information and your real name. A pen name may be substituted with approval of the editor.

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