Tube City Almanac

March 04, 2014

City Lifts Disaster Emergency After Salt Arrives

Category: News || By Submitted Report

The city of McKeesport today lifted a state of disaster emergency after receiving road salt from Allegheny County, the state Department of Transportation, Monroeville and Port Vue and Liberty boroughs.

"At this time, we were able to treat all primary and secondary roadways," Mayor Mike Cherepko said in a prepared statement. "The critical situation that was potentially dangerous to the safety of residents and visitors has been alleviated."

Cherepko thanked all residents for their "cooperation and understanding during this unprecedented event," as well as the agencies and municipalities that helped the city through the crisis.

The city issued the disaster emergency declaration after salt supplies ran out over the weekend. Cherepko said Monday that salt was ordered Feb. 10 through the city's usual supplier, but has yet to arrive.

McKeesport and other municipalities purchase salt through a joint-purchasing program.

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