Tube City Almanac

March 20, 2014

City-Wide Clean Up Planned April 26

Category: Announcements || By

The City of McKeesport has announced a City Wide Cleanup for April 26. If you have an organization that wants to pitch in, call the mayor's office at (412) 675-5020, extension 605.

Are you looking to get rid of a TV or other electronic device?  Before you "Toss It" remember as of January 1 of this year, many types of electronic waste are not allowed to be placed in landfills. So think of the following first, can you reuse it? Can you repurpose it?  Can an family member use it?  Can a nonprofit agency use it?

P.S.: If the answer is "no" to all the questions, you do have a few options and one of them is taking them to a Best Buy store. Best Buy accepts most electronics and large appliances, with a few exceptions, and will take them at no charge.  Exceptions may apply. (Recycling is intended for residential addresses only. Products from businesses and organizations are not accepted. Items that present a health or safety hazard are not accepted.)

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