Tube City Almanac

July 20, 2006

Good Grief

Category: default || By jt3y

I neglected to mention the debut of Dave Copeland's newest venture, a blog called Rejection that's dedicated to highlighting failures of all kinds: Romantic, creative, financial. And Lord knows, I've had all three.

Cope is a former cow-orker and Picksberger who moved back to Boston about a year ago; Rejection has already gotten a solid write-up on the business page of the Boston Herald, which calls it "virtual group therapy, where people can share the embarrassment of being turned down."

Anyone who knows me also knows that I'm a fan of Charles M. Schulz, going back to kidhood, and the first thing I thought of when I read about Copeland's new blog was Snoopy, sleeping under a pile of rejection slips.

"Don't those keep you up at night?" Linus asks him.

"Only when they fall on me," Snoopy thinks.

I also remember Snoopy making a quilt out of rejection letters, papering the inside of his doghouse with them, and a few other choice moments --- and once I became a writer, the rejection slip cartoons became all the more poignant.

Apparently, I'm not the only one --- in Half-Price Books a few weeks ago, I noticed an entire collection of "Peanuts" strips called Snoopy's Guide to the Writing Life.

Anyway, I imagined Copeland sitting under Snoopy's pile of rejection slips, and wanted to procrastinate a little bit, and try out my new drawing table ... and one thing led to another ...

To make a long story short (though I don't usually), this salute to the new Rejection blog is intended only with deepest respect for the late Charles M. Schulz, and for Cope --- you're a good man, Charlie ... er, I mean Dave ... Copeland.

Your Comments are Welcome!

That’s one impressive drawing, Jason. I wish I could do that.
Steven Swain (URL) - July 23, 2006


I’ve seen your cartoons before. you are truly a multi-faceted individual. by which I don’t mean two-faced, duplicitous, or afflicted with multiple-personality disorder. that I know of…

not that there’s anything wrong with that!
heather - July 25, 2006

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