Tube City Almanac

September 25, 2007

West Mifflin: GM Strike Hits Home

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© 2007 Jason Togyer/Tube City Online

Your Comments are Welcome!

terry - September 25, 2007

I’m really undeducated on why the Union is striking but I drove by last night and this morning and the picketers are out in force. It was interesting that when I drove by this morning, County Councilman Bob “Mace” Macey was chatting with the rank and file in a suit and tie. Really caught my eye. Mace is a former steelworker at the Duquesne Works so I’m sure that he can relate.

I do support the labor movement to a certain degree. Unions were certainly neccessary in the days of Andrew Carnegie and the various robber barons in industry at that time. Unfortunatley U.S. Steel leaving the Mon Valley and closing plants was partly parcipitated by unions that got too greedy. There needs to be a balance. In the end, if the companies can’t remain competitive and make money, the unions have nowhere to go.

I’m concerned for the good folks at Fisher Body. One never makes up for the time and $ they lose in a strike. Additionally, there have been talks about that particular plant closing already. It is my hope that cooler heads on both sides come to a quick and workable solution.

Paul Shelly (URL) - September 25, 2007

Seems cooler heads have prevailed!
Paul Shelly (URL) - September 26, 2007

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